Breaking out of The Consumer Cycle

mindset productivity Aug 04, 2024

You see a sick video on IG.

"I bet I could make that."


*Continues scrolling*

Another one. 


*Continues scrolling*


Sound familiar?

Don't worry, I've done it, too. 

If you could see my "Saved Collections" on IG, you'd think I was a crazy person.

Maybe you already do.

But that's beside the point. 

Your "Saved" posts can wind up running DEEP when you're caught in "The Consumer Cycle".

Don't get me wrong, saving posts is a great move to collect ideas.

But here's what happens...

You save and save and save thinking you're making progress, but then never actually create anything of your own. 

And eventually, you begin to resent yourself for not making these things. 

Because you know you can make them.

So how do you get out of this cycle?


Just create.

I know, I sounds so simple.

And no, I'm not being sarcastic here. 

Literally just create some thing

One thing. 

One video. 

One article. 

One song.

One painting. 

Whatever your artistic medium is, that's all you have to do.

Because you have all of these ideas that you want to put out into the world, but there you are, sat there on the couch wondering what your life would be like if you finally started.

Again, you know you can.

So, guess what? 

Just start. 

And don't look back. 

Making the move from consumer to creator will change your life. 

Even if no one watches your videos, or looks at your art, you will feel so good that YOU DID THE THING.

My friend Grace (who I met through Twitter) reposted this excerpt of a Kurt Vonnegut (one my all-time fav authors) story that really hit home for me:



The "becoming" is what matters. It's for no one else but you. 

But if that's not enough, and you want some extra motivation, check out this video I made two days ago.

The edits, the camera work, the storytelling, the music, everything I've been learning and sharing with you...

is all starting to compound. 

I still have a long way to go, but it is a true testament to what can happen when you do one thing for 100+ days.



Now, it's your turn.

Put down your phone.

Close your laptop.

Get out there.

And go make something. 

Future you will thank you.



Start here.